Livestream Calendar Signup


Want to get on our livestream calendar?

There is no charge of any type to be a part of this, we are simply doing what we can, with the resources we have, to keep the music going while most people are stuck inside their own homes. We are making no money doing this but love music and want to see the music continue in people’s lives.

The signups are now coming in!

The more events we have listed here, the more traffic will come here to learn about your livestream show. It works to have more shows listed here so pass the word on. It makes this effort for live-streaming and promoting it worthwhile for all of us.

Fill out the form below. We will review the information before publishing. We have to make sure you really are music performer.


[contactformlivestream signup]

We also have a “Livestreaming 101” page on this website, compiling suggestions for improving the quality of your livestream shows. Your suggestions are welcome.


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